2017 publikációi
- Borovička J, BraeuerS, Žigová A, GryndlerM, Dima B, Goessler W, Frøslev TG, Kameník J Kärcher R 2017. Resurrection of Cortinarius coalescens: taxonomy, chemistry, and ecology. Mycological Progress 16: 927–939.
- Brandrud TE, Dima B, Liimatainen K, Niskanen T 2017. Telamonioid Cortinarius of the C. puellaris group from calcareous Tilia forests. Sydowia 69: 37–45.
- Clericuzio M, Dovana F, Bellanger JM, Brandrud TE, Dima B, Frøslev TG, Boccardo F, Jeppesen TS, Vizzini A 2017. Cortinarius parasuaveolens (= C. pseudogracilior): new data and a synonymy of a very poorly known species of section Calochroi. Sydowia 69: 215–228.
- Daher Z, Recorbet G, Solymosi K, Wienkoop S, Mounier A, Morandi D, Lherminier J, Wipf D, Dumas-Gaudot E, Schoefs B 2017. Changes in plastid proteome and structure in arbuscular mycorrhizal roots display a nutrient starvation signature. Physiologia Plantarum 159: 13–29.
- Domonkos Á, Kovács S, Gombár A, Kiss E, Horváth B, Kováts GZ, Farkas A, Tóth MT, Ayaydin F, Bóka K, Fodor L, Ratet P, Kereszt A, Endre G, Kaló P 2017. NAD1 controls defense-like responses in Medicago truncatula symbiotic nitrogen fixing nodules following rhizobial colonization in a BacA-independent manner. Genes 8: 387.
- Frøslev TG, Brandrud TE, Dima B 2017. Cortinarius stjernegaardii and C. kristinae (Basidiomycota, Agaricales), two new European species with a mainly northern distribution. Mycological Progress 16: 145–153.
- Gateau H, Solymosi K, Marchand J, Schoefs B 2017. Carotenoids of microalgae used in food industry and medicine. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 17: 1140–1172.
- Georgieva K, Rapparini F, Bertazza G, Mihailova G, Sárvári É, Solti Á, Keresztes Á 2017. Alterations in the sugar metabolism and in the vacuolar system of mesophyll cells contribute to the desiccation tolerance of Haberlea rhodopensis ecotypes. Protoplasma 254: 193–201.
- Georgieva K, Solti Á, Mészáros I, Keresztes Á, Sárvári É 2017. Light sensitivity of Haberlea rhodopensis shade adapted phenotype under drought stress. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 39: 164.
- Jung T, Jung MH, Scanu B, Seress D, Kovács GM, Maia C, Pérez-Sierra A, Chang T-T, Chandelier A, Heungens K, van Pouckei K, Abad-Campos P, Léon M, Cacciola SO, Bakonyi J 2017. Six new Phytophthora species from ITS Clade 7a including two sexually functional heterothallic hybrid species detected in natural ecosystems in Taiwan. Persoonia 38: 100–135.
- Jung T, Scanu B, Bakonyi J, Seress D, Kovács GM, Durán A, Sanfuentes von Stowasser E, Schena L, Mosca S, Thu PQ, Nguyen CM, Fajardo S, González M, Pérez-Sierra A, Rees H, Cravador A, Maia C, Jung MH 2017. Nothophytophthora gen. nov., a new sister genus of Phytophthora from natural and semi-natural ecosystem. Persoonia 39: 143 –174.
- Kakuszi A, Solymosi K, Böddi B 2017. Transformation of plastids in soil-shaded lowermost hypocotyl segments of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) during a 60-day cultivation period. Physiologia Plantarum 159: 483–491.
- Liimatainen K, Carteret X, Dima B, Kytövuori I, Bidaud A, Reumaux P, Niskanen T, Ammirati JF, Bellanger JM 2017. Cortinarius section Bicolores and section Saturnini (Basidiomycota, Agaricales), a morphogenetic overview of European and North American species. Persoonia 39: 175–200.
- Mysliwa-Kurdziel B, Solymosi K 2017. Phycobilins and phycobiliproteins used in food industry and medicine. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 17: 1173–1193.
- Nagy GL, Tóth R, Kiss E, Slot J, Gácser A, Kovács GM 2017. Six key traits of Fungi: their evolutionary origins and genetic bases. Microbiology Spectrum 5: FUNK-0036-2016.
- Nemes K, Gellért Á, Almási A, Vági P, Sáray R, Kádár K, Salánki K 2017. Phosphorylation regulates the subcellular localization of Cucumber Mosaic Virus 2b protein. Scientific Reports 7: 13444.
- Noordeloos ME, Dima B, Weholt Ø, Eidissen SE, Lorås J, Brandrud TE 2017. Entoloma chamaemori (Entolomataceae, Basidiomycota)—a new boreal species, with isolated phylogenetic position. Phytotaxa 298: 289–295.
- Pacyna G, Barbacka M, Zdebska D, Ziaja j, Fijałkowska-Mader A, Bóka K, Sulej T 2017. A new conifer from the Upper Triassic of southern Poland linking the advanced voltzialean type of ovuliferous scale with Brachyphyllum-Pagiophyllum-like leaves. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 245: 28–54.
- Pápay ZE, Kósa A, Böddi B, Merchant Z, Saleem IY, Zariwala MG, Klebovich I, Somavarapu S, Antal I 2017. Study on the pulmonary delivery system of apigenin-loaded albumin nanocarriers with antioxidant activity. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery 30: 274–288.
- Papp V, Dima B 2017. Favolus gracilisporus (Polyporaceae, Basidiomycota), an East Asian polypore species new to the European mycobiota. Mycosphere 8: 1177–1184.
- Papp V, Dima B, Wasser SP 2017. What Is Ganoderma lucidum in the molecular era? International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms 19: 575–593.
- Saba M, Khalid AN, Jabeen S, Dima B 2017. Cortinarius longistipitatus, a new species in subgenus Telamonia, section Cinnabarini, from Pakistan. Phytotaxa 328: 257–266.
- Simon J, Kósa A, Bóka K, Vági P, Simon-Sarkadi L, Mednyánszky Z, Horváth ÁN, Nyitrai P, Böddi B, Preininger É 2017. Self-supporting artificial system of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and the ascomycetous fungus Alternaria infectoria. Symbiosis 71: 199–209.
- Solymosi K, Köfalvi A 2017. Cannabis: A treasure trove or Pandora's box? Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 17: 1223–1291.
- Solymosi K, Mysliwa-Kurdziel B 2017. Chlorophylls and their derivatives used in food industry and medicine. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 17: 1194–1222.
- Sólyomváry A, Alberti Á, Darcsi A, Könye R, Tóth G, Noszál B, Molnár-Perl I, Lorántfy L, Dobos J, Őrfi L, Béni S, Boldizsár I 2017. Optimized conversion of antiproliferative lignans pinoresinol and epipinoresinol: Their simultaneous isolation and identification by centrifugal partition chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography B 1052: 142–149.
- Sólyomváry A, Béni S, Boldizsár I 2017. Dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans - A review of their structural diversity, biosynthesis, occurrence, identification and importance. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry 17: 1053–1074.
- Szarkándi JG, Schmidt-Stohn G, Dima B, Hussain S, Kocsubé S, Papp T, Vágvölgyi C, Nagy LG 2017. The genus Parasola: phylogeny and the description of three new species. Mycologia 109: 620–629.
- Tóth E, Szuróczki S, Kéki Z, Kosztik J, Makk J, Bóka K, Spröer C, Márialigeti K, Schumann P 2017. Brevundimonas balnearis sp. nov., isolated from the well water of a thermal bath. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 67: 1033–1038.